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Contact tracing during an #ebola outbreak

Persons in close contact with Ebola cases (alive or dead) are at higher risk of infection. All potential contacts of Ebola cases should be identified and closely observed for 21 days from the last day of exposure. Contacts that develop illness should be immediately isolated to prevent further transmission of infection. An effective system for contact tracing should be established at the onset of the outbreak. Early involvement and full cooperation of affected communities is critical for successful contact tracing.
This document provides guidance for establishing and conducting contact tracing during filovirus disease outbreaks. The guidance notes are based on extensive field experience in filovirus disease outbreak response in the WHO African region. The notes are intended for frontline epidemiologists, surveillance officers, health workers and other volunteers involved in contact tracing. National and sub-national emergency management committees and rapid response teams require these guidelines to plan, implement and monitor contact tracing.National emergency management committees are advised to adapt these guidance notes to the local context in their application

Contact tracing during an #ebola outbreak
CDC poster: What is contact tracing?
Australasian Contract Tracing Manual
Development of a risk assessment tool for contact tracing people after contact with infectious patients while travelling by bus or other public ground transport: a Delphi consensus approach
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