El virus de #Chikungunya

La fiebre chikungunya es una enfermedad vírica transmitida al ser humano por mosquitos infectados. Además de fiebre y fuertes dolores articulares, produce otros síntomas, tales como dolores musculares, dolores de cabeza, náuseas, cansancio y erupciones cutáneas. Algunos signos clínicos de esta enfermedad son iguales a los del dengue, con el que se puede confundir en zonas donde este es frecuente. Como no tiene tratamiento curativo, el tratamiento se centra en el alivio de los síntomas. Un factor de riesgo importante es la proximidad de las viviendas a lugares de cría de los mosquitos.  A partir de 2004 la fiebre chikungunya ha alcanzado proporciones epidémicas, y es causa de considerables sufrimientos y morbilidad. La enfermedad se da en África, Asia y el subcontinente indio. En los últimos decenios los vectores de la enfermedad se han propagado a Europa y las Américas. En 2007 se notificó por vez primera la transmisión de la enfermedad en Europa, en un brote localizado en el nordeste de Italia.
En México, se ha reportado el primer caso en Junio de 2014.
  1. Hoja informativa OMS sobre el virus chikungunya
  2. Hoja informativa OPS sobre el virus chikungunya
  3. Hoja de seguridad del virus de #Chikungunya
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Efficacy of surface #disinfectant against gram-negative #bacteria

ABSTRACT (partial).
Background. We determined the efficacy of several SDCs against clinically relevant bacterial species with and without common types of multidrug resistance.
Methods. Bacteria species used were ATCC strains; clinical isolates classified as antibiotic-susceptible; and multi-resistant clinical isolates. The five evaluated SDCs were based on alcohol and an amphoteric substance (AAS), an oxygen-releaser (OR), surface-active substances (SAS), or surface-active-substances plus aldehydes (SASA; two formulations). Bactericidal concentrations of SDCs were determined at two different contact times. Efficacy was defined as a log10 ≥ 5 reduction in bacterial cell count.
Results. SDCs based on AAS, OR, and SAS were effective against all six species irrespective of the degree of multi-resistance. The SASA formulations were effective against the bacteria irrespective of degree of multi-resistance except for one of the four P. aeruginosa isolates (VIM-1). We found no general correlation between SDC efficacy and degree of antibiotic resistance.
Conclusions. SDCs were generally effective against gram-negative bacteria with and without multidrug resistance. SDCs are therefore suitable for surface disinfection in the immediate proximity of patients. Single bacterial isolates, however, might have reduced susceptibility to selected biocidal agents.

Reichel M et al. Efficacy of surface disinfectant cleaners against emerging highly resistant gram-negative bacteria. BMC Infect Dis. 2014; 14: 292.
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Placing Global #Biosecurity Engagement Programs under the Umbrella of Global Health Security

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Global biosecurity engagement programs designed to prevent misuse of biological agents and pathogens internationally have increased dramatically under the National Strategy for Countering  Biological Threats (NSCBT), which outlined the commitment of the United States Government towards advancing health security.
But it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of these programs in improving biosecurity given that there have been relatively few attempts to misuse the life sciences. Current metrics that focus on outputs (what was done) as opposed to outcomes (the impact of what was done) have not been helpful in determining how these efforts might be improved in the future. With these metrics in mind, the goals of the programs have traditionally been more quantitative in nature – for example, increasing the number of agents secured and number of scientists engaged. Broadening the scope of biosecurity engagement metrics can help align program goals with a more qualitative approach that prioritizes the international partner’s global health security. Such an approach will be more efficient and successful in improving global and U.S. national biosecurity.
Rozo M. 2014 Placing Global Biosecurity Engagement Programs under the Umbrella of Global Health Security. Federation of American Scientists (FAS).
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#LIBRO: Conceptos Básicos del Control de Infecciones 2011, ahora en Español!

Esta nueva edición de Conceptos básicos de control de infecciones de IFIC, se elaboró sobre la base de las versiones anteriores. Con un enfoque científico, profundiza y actualiza los conocimientos necesarios para sostener el desarrollo de políticas y procedimientos locales. Este libro está enfocado a las áreas hospitalarias.
Un panel internacional de expertos revisó y actualizó la mayoría de los capítulos. Además se incorporaron secciones nuevas, con el fin de asegurar que esta edición ofrecería un completo y sólido caudal de conocimientos.
IFIC’s Basic Concepts of Infection Control, 2nd Edition, 2011

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