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Biologically hazardous agents at work and efforts to protect workers' health: a review of recent reports

Because information on biological agents in the workplace is lacking, biological hazard analyses at the workplace to securely recognize the harmful factors with biological basis are desperately needed. This review concentrates on literatures published after 2010 that attempted to detect biological hazards to humans, especially workers, and the efforts to protect them against these factors. It is important to improve the current understanding of the health hazards caused by biological factors at the workplace. In addition, this review briefly describes these factors and provides some examples of their adverse health effects. It also reviews risk assessments, protection with personal protective equipment, prevention with training of workers, regulations, as well as vaccinations.

Rim KT, Lim CH. Biologically hazardous agents at work and efforts to protect workers' health: a review of recent reports. Saf Health Work. Jun 2014; 5(2): 43–52.
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