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Health Security (Journal, Vol. 17) Biosafety

Health Security
Editor-in-Chief: Thomas V. Inglesby, MD
ISSN: 2326-5094 
Online ISSN: 2326-5108 
Published Bimonthly
Current Volume: 17
Free access through October 30, 2019   /   Acceso libre hasta el 30 de Octubre de 2019. 
Building Biosafety Capacity in Our Nation's LaboratoriesChristina L. Chung, Kimberly Spencer Bellis, Amy Pullman, Angelica O'Connor, Alvin Shultz  Read Now
The 2014 Ebola outbreak revealed biosafety vulnerabilities across the United States. We distributed $24.1 million to health departments to support public health laboratories (PHLs) and sentinel clinical laboratory partners to improve biosafety practices. We used 9 indicators to evaluate PHLs and associated clinical laboratories from March 2015 through April 2018 using descriptive statistics. On average, over 6 reporting periods, 59 awardee PHLs and 4,040 clinical laboratories responded. 
During the 2014-15 domestic Ebola response, US states developed monitoring and movement restriction policies for potentially exposed individuals. We describe decision-making processes and factors in the development of these policies. Results may help health officials anticipate potential concerns and policy influencers in future infectious disease responses. Thirty individuals with knowledge of state-level Ebola policy development participated in semi-structured interviews conducted from January to May 2017. Interviewees represented 18 jurisdictions from diverse census regions, state political affiliations, and public health governance structures as well as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Sarah Carter, Diane DiEuliis  Read Now
Industrial biotechnology has harnessed the tools of genetic engineering for many years to produce valued chemicals and products. As newer synthetic biology tools and capabilities make biology increasingly easier to engineer, a broader, more diverse synthetic biology industry is emerging in support of many industrial sectors. While this industry is still nascent, it is growing each year with accelerating investment.1,2 Some of its novel products and services include advanced protein engineering, organism design and construction, genome editing constructs and vectors, lab sensors and robotics, and scale-up services.

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