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CID Supplement: Personal Protective Equipment for Preventing Contact Transmission of Pathogens

  1. Improving the Use of Personal Protective Equipment: Applying Lessons Learned 
  2. Optimizing Contact Precautions to Curb the Spread of Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria in Hospitals 
  3. Environmental Contact and Self-contact Patterns of Healthcare Workers: Implications for Infection Prevention and Control 
  4. Understanding Workflow and Personal Protective Equipment Challenges Across Different Healthcare Personnel Roles 
  5. Healthcare Workers’ Strategies for Doffing Personal Protective Equipment 
  6. Evaluation of a Redesigned Personal Protective Equipment Gown
  7. Model-based Assessment of the Effect of Contact Precautions Applied to Surveillance-detected Carriers of Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Long-term Acute Care Hospitals
  8. Common Behaviors and Faults When Doffing Personal Protective Equipment for Patients With Serious Communicable Diseases 
  9. Variability in the Duration and Thoroughness of Hand Hygiene
  10. Effect of Glove Decontamination on Bacterial Contamination of Healthcare Personnel Hands 
  11. Preventing Viral Contamination: Effects of Wipe and Spray-based Decontamination of Gloves and Gowns
  12. Potential Skin and Inhalational Exposure to Pathogens During Personal Protective Equipment Doffing
  13. Design Strategies for Biocontainment Units to Reduce Risk During Doffing of High-level Personal Protective Equipment
  14. Effect of an Intervention Package and Teamwork Training to Prevent Healthcare Personnel Self-contamination During Personal Protective Equipment Doffing

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