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#VIDEOS: Good Microbiological Practices and Procedures #GMPP, @WHO (1/3)

1. Personal protective equipment (PPE): Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, is the clothing and equipment that forms the last line of defence between you and harmful materials in the laboratory environment. It’s essential that you know what you should be wearing, when you should be wearing it, and how it should be stored, cleaned, maintained and disposed of.

2. Pipettes: Work in a microbiology laboratory involves a lot of handling and transferring of liquids in small, precise volumes. This is mainly done using pipettes. It is important to know how to use them properly so that you can make accurate volume transfers,reduce the numbers of aerosols generated and prevent contamination of the pipette and subsequent cross contamination of samples.

3. Sharps: “Sharps” refers to items that have sharp points or cutting edges capable of piercing or cutting human skin. Typical items in the laboratories are scalpels, needles, scissors, tweezers and pieces of broken glass or plastic. The risk of injury is obvious, but when contaminated with biological agents they create a greater hazard, so the use of sharps should be reduced to a minimum wherever possible. Where they are needed, they should be handled and disposed of carefully.

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