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#Zika virus in asymptomatic blood donors in Martinique

Many aspects of Zika fever natural history remain unknown (eg, the proportion of asymptomatic cases and the duration of viremia). Estimating the prevalence of Zika infections is difficult because a large proportion of infected individuals do not seek medical attention, and seroprevalence studies are hampered by antigenic cross-reactivity with other flaviviruses (eg, dengue virus).11 Here, we present a study of ZIKV infection in blood donors from Martinique island (French West Indies, Caribbean region), with novel epidemiological, biological, and clinical information that refines the picture of Zika fever in adults.

Gallian P, et al. Zika virus in asymptomatic blood donors in Martinique. Blood. 2017 Jan 12;129(2):263-266.
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