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Guidance for Safe Handling of Human Remains of Ebola Patients in U.S.

NIOSH Releases New Ebola Guidance

Given the systems currently in place to identify people with Ebola virus disease (EVD), any Ebola-related deaths in the United States would likely occur within a hospital setting. The Ebola virus can be detected throughout the bodies of patients who die of the disease. Ebola can be transmitted in postmortem care settings by laceration and puncture with contaminated instruments used during postmortem care, through direct handling of human remains without recommended PPE, and through splashes of blood or other body fluids such as urine, saliva, feces, or vomit to unprotected mucosa such as eyes, nose, or mouth during postmortem care.

Page Summary 

  • Who this is for: Personnel who perform postmortem care in U.S. hospitals and mortuaries. 
  • What this is for: To protect against the postmortem spread of Ebola infection at the site of death, prior to transport, during transport, at the mortuary, and during final disposition of remains 
  • How to use: To guide staff in the safe handling of human remains that may contain Ebola virus by properly using personal protective equipment (PPE) and following decontamination measures at every step of the process. 
See CDC's Mortuary Guidance Job Aid [1 page] for more information on postmortem preparation in a hospital room. More information.

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