The Handwashing Handbook
This handbook grows out of the experience of the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap
(PPPHW) and its predecessor, the Central American Handwashing for Diarrheal Disease Prevention Program. These
efforts demonstrated that mass programs with public and private sector involvement can be successful in promoting
handwashing and reducing disease. With core support from the Bank Netherlands Water Partnership, the PPPHW has
brought together global public and private agencies to consolidate approaches while initiating large-scale handwashing
promotion in Ghana, Peru, Senegal, and Nepal.
While much has been learned about handwashing promotion in recent years, especially in the areas of research and
program design, countries are still experimenting with, and optimizing approaches to implementation. It is important to
lay out what is known so that others can begin designing programs and contributing to a global body of knowledge and
experience in the fight against child mortality.
This handbook is intended for staff in government and development organizations charged with carrying out handwashing
programs. Decision-makers in Ministries and funding agencies will also find assistance in designing policies and programs
to improve public health.
TheHandwashingHandbook:A guide for developing a hygiene promotion programto increase handwashing with soap
TheHandwashingHandbook:A guide for developing a hygiene promotion programto increase handwashing with soap